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Updated 7 months ago

Seamless sign up feature in kinde roadmap

At a glance

Hey team! We use passwordless email flow. A while back I had started a thread asking if there was a way to automatically create the user account and mimic the sign-in flow if an email doesn't exist. At the time, it sounded like that was in the works. I see the below entry on the "Done" column of the Kinde roadmap. I can't find much documentation on "Seamless sign up", but is that indeed the feature I'm looking for? If so, how do I enable it?



Hi Tony. Let me just check with our product team about this. I'll get back to you.

Hey ,

I just want to confirm I understand the experience you are after.

Do you want the following experience?

  1. User lands on your app's authentication screen
  2. User enters email
  1. If email exists, user is prompted to enter email code or password
  2. If email doesnt exist, user goes through sign-up flow
  1. User is then authenticated into your app

If so, you can achieve this by always directing your users to the register page.
On the register page:
  • If email exists, user is prompted to enter email code or password
  • If email doesnt exist, user goes through sign-up flow

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Hello , thank you so much for the clarification.

It sounds like that Register page does exactly what we want. Given that we use passwordless email login and don't collect First/Last Name, the login/sign up flows are identical for us. The behavior I described would be ideal so that we would not need to import our existing users into Kinde.

However, our situation is slightly different than I assume 99% of your users. We use an Azure Static Web App with a Custom Authentication configuration. Static Web Apps abstract away the auth logic and leverage the OpenID Connect protocol. We provide our Static Web App with the Well Known OpenID URL (https://idprofile.kinde.com/.well-known/openid-configuration) and it figures out where to route users to log in. So unfortunately we don't have the ability to route users to the Register page.

For now we will proceed as is. As a suggestion for a future enhancement, it would be great if we could reduce some of the customer friction in the sign up experience. Watching beta users in our app, most if not all of them have tried to Sign Up from the Log In screen and missed the "Create Account" link. Once they click Create Account, the flow is identical to user signing in so it feels like an unnecessary roadblock.


Hey ,
Thanks for all this information on your setup. I will get back to you on how to achieve your desired state of having login/sign-up flows in a single page.

Thanks also for the feedback. I have passed the feedback onto my team

However, our situation is slightly different than I assume 99% of your users. We use an Azure Static Web App with a Custom Authentication configuration. Static Web Apps abstract away the auth logic and leverage the OpenID Connect protocol. We provide our Static Web App with the Well Known OpenID URL (https://idprofile.kinde.com/.well-known/openid-configuration) and it figures out where to route users to log in. So unfortunately we don't have the ability to route users to the Register page.
Hey ,
How do you direct users to the login page at the moment if you cant route users? Maybe I am missing something

For now we will proceed as is. As a suggestion for a future enhancement, it would be great if we could reduce some of the customer friction in the sign up experience. Watching beta users in our app, most if not all of them have tried to Sign Up from the Log In screen and missed the "Create Account" link. Once they click Create Account, the flow is identical to user signing in so it feels like an unnecessary roadblock.

Do you want to remove the No account? Create one link but not block self sign-ups?

If so, you can achieve this with our custom sign-up and sign-in pages solution.
Here is a video walkthrough of the feature.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Hey I wanted to better explain myself so I recorded this Loom. I would recommend watching on 1.5x-2x speed if you have a few minutes. I hope this makes it a little clearer. Thanks!


Hey ,
Thanks so so much for sharing this loom video. It's great to put a voice to your name.
I totally understand your use-case, I will speak to my team tomorrow and get back to you on how to make your current experience better.

Hey ,
So it sounds like the experience outlined here it what you are after. If so, you can already direct users to the register page by including prompt=create in the request parameters (see here).

Please let me know if you have any further questions on this.


Thanks, Oli! Apologies we had some other issue we were working through this week. I will see if I can implement this parameter with the Static Web App config this sprint.

Hey ,
No worries at all. Thanks for the update.
Please reach out if you come across any more issues.
My team and I are here to help.

Hello - great news. That seemed to work! However there is one hangup. I was able to change the "Sign Up" text to say "Sign In" but there is still the link at the bottom that says "Already have an account? Sign In". Is there a way to disable that?


Ah yes I forgot about the "Already have an account? Sign In" link.
A lot of customers have gotten around this by using a custom sign-in/up page but I believe this is not viable for you.

I know you want to go live with Kinde with the new ID Profile product fairly soon.
Do you mind reminding me when you want to go live?
Im asking this because I will discuss this issue with my team mates and aim to have a solution for you by the time you go live.

Well fortuitously we are delayed again until 7/29, if you think that's feasible

Okay let me speak to my team and get back to you.

Hey ,
I believe we will have a solution that allow you to remove this link by 29/7.
Please keep me in the loop with your timelines for launch - feel free to DM me.

That's great news, thank you!

FYI, it is on our roadmap to allow full customisation of text on the Kinde hosted page. Once this is live, you will be able to make edits to the Kinde hosted page yourself so you can remove the "Already have an account? Sign In" text.
You can subscribe to the roadmap item here, so you can be notified when this feature is live.

However, this feature will not be live by 29/7. It will likely be live sometime in August/September.
So my team are willing to explore a different solution to allow you to remove the "Already have an account? Sign In" text.

Got it, thank you. I really do appreciate your team going the extra mile here.

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