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Updated 3 months ago

Referral Code Idea

At a glance

The community member's post discusses a feature where the "Powered by Kinde" branding on the bottom of views (if enabled) should auto-append the user's referral code (if enabled/generated). The pros mentioned are user kickback, removal of the disappeal of the "Powered by" branding if the user is already getting a kickback, and that the link out and "ad" already exist. The cons are noted as "unsure at this time".

In the comments, another community member expresses their approval of the idea and mentions they will pass it on to their team.

With “Powered by Kinde” branding on the bottom of views (if enabled), the link out should auto append the user’s referral code (if enabled/generated)

  • User kickback, removed the disappeal of the powered by branding if they’re getting kick backed
  • already a link out
  • already an “ad”
unsure at this time
1 comment
Wow I like your thinking Sam.

I am gonna pass this onto my team.
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