Hey based of nextjs documentation
const { refreshTokens } =getKindeServerSession();
const s = await refreshTokens();
should get me a new refresh token although it is returning null can someone help please?
in addition of that if i'm using nextjs sdk how can i get the refresh token so i can make an oauth2 api so i can get new token?
Hey ,
What NextJS SDK version are you using? And are you using NextJS App Router or Pages Router?
Hey ,
Thanks for getting back to me.
Are you able to update to the latest version of the NextJS SDK v2.3.10 and let me know if you are still experiencing this issue?
Sorry to hear that upgrading didn't work.
I spoke to my teammate earlier today on this issue and I think we may know what the issue is.
I will get back to you tomorrow with more information
Hey ,
We are going to give this issue more attention early next week.
I will continue to update you as we progress with solving your issue - apologies again.