Hello team, we have a problem with the migration to the new package version, we are currently using "@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs": "^1.8.24",
and we are trying to migrate to "@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs": "^2.4.6" . We use Next.js 14v with page router. We did the migration based on https://docs.kinde.com/developer-tools/sdks/backend/nextjs-prev-sdk/. But we constantly get error 500 related to the session as in the picture below.
Hey @Drago Vrban ,
I am going to get our NextJS team to also look at this.
If you are continuing using Pages Router, here are the key migration changes from v1 to v2:
• The handleAuth
import has changed:
import {handleAuth} from "@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs/server";
now return promises:const {getUser} = getKindeServerSession(); const user = await getUser();
are properly awaited.Hey Andre, We do not use this function(getKindeServerSession()) anywhere within the project, maybe the issue is related to this issue that was reported, that's almost the same.