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Joined September 23, 2024
Hi, I've been struggling to set up a Github login via Connected apps. I'll try to explain it briefly. I'm a newbie so excuse me if anything I'm missing is an easy one.

I'm trying to authorize my Github app when logging in however, if I switch off the Github social sign-in on the Kinde dashboard, the default Kinde login button component redirects to a page where there is no "Login with Github" button. I assume in this case if I use Connected apps I should handle this transition page myself. But then am I gonna be able to receive the logged-in user's data within my app via getKindeServerSession() ?

I've been searching through the docs and I'm quite confused with the settings of the login options.

It's mentioned that the callback URL that I should set in the settings of my GitHub app(provided by Kinde) is for redirecting the user back to my app, however, then I'm not able to intercept this process to get the code param and exchange it with an access token for Github API access. Extra callback URLs I set does not even get triggered.

So my questions are as follows:
  • What should be the callback URLs in my GitHub App settings and in my Kinde Connected App settings?
  • At which point I should intercept this process to get the code param so that I can continue with my authorization process?
  • In that case, should I keep the "Allowed callback URLs" section on my backend-web app empty?
My main purpose is to be able to get the code param after redirecting from the authorization process but the callback URL that Kinde provides does not allow me to get it and if I don't use Kinde's URL, I'm not able to use getKindeServerSession()
What am I missing?

I found it quite confusing and my personal opinion is that the docs should have a clearer explanation of differentiating between Social sign-in and Connected apps. Thank you in advance and I hope it's clear.

  • Next.js app router.