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Updated 9 months ago

Loses Organization claims (Nuxt Module)

At a glance
I'm a kinde nuxt module user,
I've a multiple organization, when I select an organization from organization list, I can get correct jwt with organization claims.
When I goes /api/login through adress bar, it redirect me, correct address but jwt changes and it loses organization claims from jwt. I've added sources to get jwt token.

const client = await useKindeClient();
const auth = useState('auth')

const { data: tokenData } = await useAsyncData(async () => {
return (await client?.getToken()) ?? {};

const token = useCookie('token', {
maxAge: 60 * 60 * 2 // 2 Saat
token.value = tokenData.value;

const org = await useAsyncData(async () => {
return (await client?.getOrganization()) ?? {};

console.log("org", org)
Environment: PROD/DEV
Nuxt Module:
"@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-pkce-js": "^3.0.30",
"@nuxtjs/kinde": "0.1.10"
Interesting, thanks for reporting, will check this out.
@Daniel_Kinde Could you have checked it ?
Are you able to put together a minimum reproducable repo for me to try against? I spent a little time looking at this but want to make sure I match your setup somewhat?
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