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Updated 4 weeks ago

Kinde User ID Already Exists Error When Creating User Again After Deleting

Hi guys.
If I delete a user in Kinde over the API, then try to create a Kinde user again with the same credentials, I would expect it to work. But the API is returning an error that the provided ID already exists. Is this a bug? {"errors": [{"code": "PROVIDED_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS", "message": "An existing user was found against the provided id."}]}


Your expectations are correct - once the user is deleted have they been removed from your UI?

OK we'll look into this for you

I haven't been able to replicate the issue, is it possible you've used the same 'provided_id' for another user? Feel free to DM me the kinde domain you're using, and provided_id you're trying to use and I can check your data.

I don't think so. I'll send you a DM

Thanks, I think I see the issue - could you try passing is_delete_profile=true
with your delete request please.
To explain - without this it will delete the user login, but not the user record (profile), which still has the original provided_id. If you pass the param to delete the profile all data associated with that user will be removed.

This works, great πŸ‘ thanks David

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