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Search org users by name via management api

Search on org users by name via the management api


To search for organization users by name via the Kinde Management API, you can use the "List Users" endpoint. This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of users and supports sorting by full name. Here is how you can do it: 1. *Endpoint URL*: ``` GET https://{businessName}. ``` 2. *Query Parameters*: • `sort`: You can use this parameter to sort the users by their full name. For example, to sort by full name in ascending order, you can use `sort=full_name`. • `page_size`: This parameter controls the number of records returned per page. The default value is 10 if not specified. • `next_token`: Use this parameter to retrieve the next page of results if there are more results available. • `user_id`: Filter results by a specific user ID. • `email`: Filter results by email address. • `expand`: Specify additional data to retrieve, such as "organizations" and/or "identities". 3. *Example Request*: ``` GET https://{businessName}. ``` 4. *Authentication*: • You need to provide authentication credentials using the "kindeBearerAuth" scheme. 5. *Response*: • A successful response will have a status code of 200 and will return a list of users in JSON format. For more detailed information, you can refer to the .

How can I find user by email that are assigned to a specific org

To find users by email who are assigned to a specific organization using the Kinde Management API, you can use the "List Users" endpoint with appropriate query parameters. Here is how you can do it: 1. *Endpoint URL*: ``` GET https://{businessName}. ``` 2. *Query Parameters*: • `email`: Use this parameter to filter users by their email address. • `external_organization_id`: Use this parameter to filter users by the organization they are assigned to. 3. *Example Request*: ``` GET https://{businessName}. ``` 4. *Authentication*: • You need to provide authentication credentials using the "kindeBearerAuth" scheme. 5. *Response*: • A successful response will have a status code of 200 and will return a list of users in JSON format. For more detailed information, you can refer to the .

How can I get a list of all orgs a user is assigned to

To get a list of all organizations a user is assigned to, you can use the Kinde SDKs or the Kinde Management API. Here are the steps for both methods: *Using Kinde SDKs* 1. *React SDK*: ``` const { getUserOrganizations } = useKindeAuth(); console.log(getUserOrganizations()); // Output: { orgCodes: ["org_1234", "org_5678"] } ``` 2. *NodeJS SDK*: ``` const orgs = await kindeClient.getUserOrganizations(req); console.log(orgs); // Output: { orgCodes: ['org_1234', 'org_abcd'] } ``` 3. *PHP SDK*: ``` $orgs = $this->kindeClient->getUserOrganizations(); print_r($orgs); // Output: ["orgCodes" => ["org_1234", "org_abcd"]] ``` 4. *iOS SDK*: ``` let orgs = KindeSDKAPI.auth.getUserOrganizations() print(orgs) // Output: UserOrganizations(orgCodes: [Organization(code: "org_1234"), Organization(code: "org_abcd")]) ``` *Using Kinde Management API* 1. *Endpoint URL*: ``` GET https://{businessName}. ``` 2. *Example Request*: ``` GET https://{businessName}. ``` 3. *Authentication*: • You need to provide authentication credentials using the "kindeBearerAuth" scheme. 4. *Response*: • A successful response will have a status code of 200 and will return a list of organizations in JSON format. For more detailed information, you can refer to the .

how can I allow a user change their own multiple factor options using the management api

Currently, the feature to allow end users to change their email, password, and set up/reset their multi-factor authentication (MFA) without having to sign out is in the "Next" stage of development. This means it is being worked on and will be available at a later time. For now, users cannot change their own MFA options directly via the Management API. You can manage MFA settings for users through the Kinde admin interface or by using the existing API endpoints to reset MFA for users. For more information on managing MFA, you can refer to the following documentation: • •

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