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Kinde sync issues with active directory user account disablement

How does kinde sync data from active directory, for example, if a user has logged in via active directory, but are then disabled in active directory. What is stopping the user just logging in via email as they are stored in Kinde still

1 comment

Kinde syncs data from Active Directory (AD) by updating user profiles with information provided by the AD. If a user logs in via AD and is later disabled in AD, Kinde will update the user's profile to reflect this change. However, if the user has an email identity stored in Kinde, they might still be able to log in using their email. To prevent this, you can manage user identities and ensure that when a user is disabled in AD, their email identity is also disabled or removed in Kinde. This can be done through the Kinde API or the admin UI. For more detailed information on managing user identities and syncing with enterprise connections, you can refer to the following documentation: • •

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