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Kinde management api won't turn on despite authorization attempts

There is an issue turning on Kinde Management API. I click is authorized over and over and no change


Hey ,
What Kinde application are you trying to authorize the Kinde Management API? Backend, Frontend or Machine-to-Machine?

Are you willing to send over a recording (with the DevTools Console open) of the experience when you try authorize the Kinde Management API?

Thanks for sending over the recording .
This is quite odd.
There should be a message at the bottom when you try authorize a backend application with the Kinde Management API saying you cannot do this.

I will get my team to look into this tomorrow.

We have recently made some changes to the Kinde Management API - see here.
All existing backend applications that had authorized the Kinde Management API, before this change, still have the Kinde Management API authorized.

However, after this change, only Machine-to-machine applications can authorize the Kinde Management API.
We made this change to we could tighten the security on the access tokens to the Kinde Management API, so you the risk of a malicious person making changes to your Kinde business through the Kinde Management API is now much less.

I would suggest following this guide: https://docs.kinde.com/developer-tools/kinde-api/add-a-m2m-application-for-api-access/

Let me know if you have any questions on this.

haaaa interesting. So any previous application everything will work as is unless you add a new endpoint?

  • What does adding a new endpoint mean exactly?

A new endpoint could be something like adding a new MFA endpoint in the Kinde Management API. In that case, you would need to go into the Kinde Admin and add the scopes for this endpoint to use the endpoint.

Let me know if you need further explanation on this and I can get back to you tomorrow.

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