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Expanding user-focused APIs to accept either ID or email for search functionality

Could some of the user focused apis be expanded to accept either the id or email? Just sometimes I am having to chain api calls to do something I could do in one if I could search by email. For example get user data endpoint


Hey thanks for the suggestion! We can definitely look at it although generally our recommendation would be not to use emails as an identitifer. I would instead advise you store the users Kinde ID against the user on your side and use this instead for any user related actions.

The reason being an ID is static, will not change and will always therefore point to the same user. We will soon be releasing the ability for users to have multiple emails (although one will always be “primary”) and for those addresses to be added and removed. I totally understand the convenience of using emails as an identifier but they can’t really be trusted as a source of truth compared to an ID.

Hey ,
Thanks for the request. Just to add onto Dave's comment above, you can search users by email - see the email parameter in the List Users API call

Hey, thanks for this. It's good to understand the decisions behind things. We do currently reference the Kinde id in our DB as well. I'll review our implementation to see if it's better moving away from using the API for some of this stuff and instead reading it from our DB

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