Hey Guys
i something weird just happened i had a prod env where Kinde Management API is enabled to a backend and its working fine
i just duplicated the env and tried to turn on Kinde Management API and its not allowing me to do so
based on the your doc i can see only it can be done from m2m (not sure if this is newly added) but how prod is working ?
we are using NextJs app router "@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs": "2.4.5-0",
Hey back in August we made a security change to the way our Management API is accessed i.e now it can only be accessed via M2M applications. We also added scopes/permissions so that the M2M applications would be more secure by limiting what endpoints they could access (announcement here).
We wanted to ensure this wasn’t a breaking change so backend applications that had already authorized for the Management API would continue to work as before, backend applications created after August would not be able to authorize access to it.
We now have a specific management API JavaScript SDK which is the recommended way of accessing our management API in NextJS - there are some code samples here on how to implement: https://docs.kinde.com/developer-tools/sdks/backend/nextjs-sdk/#kinde-management-api
i see can you please enable it for me cz my prod is enabled and my qa env is not and will not invest time to do it m2m now !
in other words i have 2 kinde env for same project with one enabled and one disabled!
Hey ,
I am afraid we can't accomodate this.
We made the changes to improve our security for customers like you and we cannot undo these changes as it will introduce more security risks.
I understand you want to replicate your new environment like your production environment, but we have to prioritize security, and so we can't remove this restriction.
Instead, we recommend changing your environments to use only M2M applications for your Kinde Management API interactions. We're here to support you to make this change, if you choose to do it.
Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns on this.
Thanks .
By the way, I am off from this Friday (15 Nov) and back on Wednesday (20 Nov) - so reach out to in the meantime
Sorry - just got back from leave.
Good to hear everything is working as expected now.
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you come across any other issues.