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update user email in code

Is there a way to use Kinde Management API to update the user's email ?
I can update the given and family name doing so :
Plain Text
      const client = await createKindeManagementAPIClient();

        id: ctx.userId,
        updateUserRequest: {
          familyName: input.family_name,
          givenName: input.given_name,

But i need to be able to update it's email in Kinde as well
Not just yet, we are actively working on it and looking like we will have it ready in the next 14 days. https://updates.kinde.com/board/update-user-identities-via-api
It would be awesome. Thanks !
Once we are able to update username value from the Management API, will we also be able to search by username (as it should be unique per documentation)? I'd like a way to search by username instead of pulling all users and filtering by username. Thanks!
I have noted your suggestion down and passed it along to the team.
@onderay is it soon to be published i'm a little impatient here but I do really need this feature
@IkiTg07 it is being actively tested in our engineering environment, so should will be out by the end of the month
Alright looking forward to it
Hey @IkiTg07,
We are at the stage where we are testing the update user email feature, but testing the feature has taken longer than originally anticipated.
The feature will be live by the end of this week.
I can give you some more information about the API endpoints to update a user's email once the feature is live, if you like?
Oh awesome thanks. I was wondering if we will be able to update the user’s phone number using management API so that I could get that info using the sdk context
As part of this feature, you will be able to update any identity via the API.
It's not exactly updating an identity, this feature will allow you to add a new identity to a user and delete an identity - you will also be able to add multiple idenities against a user
Mmm I see. I’d like to have more info once it’s live
Ill share more details once the change is live.
Hello @Oli - Kinde , I got the email about user identity management. Is the nextjs createKindeManagementAPIClient updated to take this into account ? I was waiting for the feature and now it's out I need to implement it
Hey @IkiTg07,
The recommended approach for Kinde Management API interations from a NextJS app is to now use @kinde/management-api-js - see here

I will ask my teammate as to how you can use the @kinde/management-api-js for identity management.
Yeah I was looking at management-api-js few days ago and I did try it but couldn't find how to use it for identity management
Hey @IkiTg07,
We are going to update the @kinde/management-api-js package to include identity managment API endpoints.
We will let you know when this is done.
CCing @DanielRivers who will update the @kinde/management-api-js package when he gets a chance
Thanks for the time and answers @Oli - Kinde !
My pleasure @IkiTg07
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