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Remove all roles of a user

I'm trying to remove all the roles of a user using one API call. Let's say I have a user with 5 roles.
I tried using "PATCH /api/v1/organizations/{org_code}/users". In this request, if I pass in 1 role (or more), the user is updated and will have 1 role only. But if I pass in no roles (empty array), then the request returns 200, but does nothing. The users still has all previous roles.

Do I need to use "DELETE /api/v1/organizations/{org_code}/users/{user_id}/roles/{role_id}"? That would be cumbersome. I would first have to request the current roles, and then do 5 calls to delete each one of them.

Instead, I could use "PATCH /api/v1/organizations/{org_code}/users" to reduse the user's roles from 5 to 1, and then use "DELETE /api/v1/organizations/{org_code}/users/{user_id}/roles/{role_id}" to delete the user's role. But that would be weird.

What is the best approach here?
Hey @madmaniac,
Your use-case to remove all roles from a user is very reasonable and I completely understand that the current way to do this via the API is not reasonable.
I will need to speak to my teammates about this early next week and get back to you.

Is it okay if you use the mechanisms you mentioned above for now?
@Oli - Kinde yes, no problem. Thank you
Hey @madmaniac,
It's on our radar to make the experience better to remove all roles of a user via API.
I would suggest using the following mechanism for the moment:
Instead, I could use "PATCH /api/v1/organizations/{org_code}/users" to reduse the user's roles from 5 to 1, and then use "DELETE /api/v1/organizations/{org_code}/users/{user_id}/roles/{role_id}" to delete the user's role

I know it's a weird way to do it, but its the best way for now.
@Oli - Kinde Thanks you very much.
Hey @madmaniac,
After speaking to my team. We actually agreed that passing an empty array to "PATCH /api/v1/organizations/{org_code}/users" should remove all roles.
We have now deployed a change so that when you pass an empty array to "PATCH /api/v1/organizations/{org_code}/users" all roles are removed.
@Oli - Kinde Thank you very much for the quick fix!
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