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Intro and questions of a new discord member

Hey guys!
We started using Clerk earlier this year because we thought if Stripe invests in them they'll have billing integrated soon.
Also Clerk is part of the data privacy framework, which makes it very GDPR compliant for the use in Europe.
Furthermore, there's a wrapper of the react library of clerk for reflex, the python webframework I'm using.

However, Clerk's pricing is a bit off when you wanna use it for B2B apps, and I really liked Kinde from the look and feel 🫰🏾

Few questions to make the potential leap easier:

  • Is there an ETA regarding billing integration?
  • What's Kinde's stance on GDPR compliance (already skimmed the privacy notice, just thought it perhaps only applies to me as a user but not my user down the line)? I guess Kinde can't even be part of the data privacy framework cause it's not an US company.
  • Would it be possible for Kinde to create an official wrapper for Reflex (reflex.dev)? The one the reflex community has now for Reflex is from a reflex community member, hence not that well maintained as it could be. Wrapping components seems to be rather straightforward to javascript devs, but python devs like me often seem to struggle.
Sorry if these questions were already asked before, just had a long research session and my head is smoking so took the shortcut of writing this message 😅
I’m gonna forward this to @Daniel_Kinde @Oli - Kinde as they’ll have a much better explanation
Thanks for checking Kinde out @dachsteinhustler

  1. We will have Billing out in Beta in October, able to let me know what your plan strucure will be to see if we can include you in the Beta?
  2. We are GDPR compliant - https://docs.kinde.com/trust-center/privacy-and-compliance/gdpr/ and happy to sign a DPA https://docs.kinde.com/trust-center/privacy-and-compliance/sub-processors/ you will find in our DPA the difference between you using Kinde and your end users.
  3. Super cool that the community has built one, are you able to provide the link? I will chat with the team next week and get back to you.
Never apologise and keep the questions coming!
Awesome thank you for the in depth answers and links! Good to know that there's the possibility of signing a DPA!

The community build reflex wrapper for clerk can be found here: https://github.com/kroo/reflex-clerk

Btw, I just realized you have an interesting way to integrate Kinde in python, perhaps a wrapper is not even needed...!
Hi @dachsteinhustler, I am curious how you got on with using Kinde with reflex and if you can share your experience?
Just figured out how to integrate it within a reflex app using the python SDK alone without having to wrap any react sdk 🎉

Not very far yet, just logging in and displaying the user name, but it works.
Here's the code in case you're interested:

  1. Kinde doesn't have yet a prebuilt "admin" area for users, right?
  1. Regarding organizations:
Seems to me like I need to do all this stuff (moving users to certain organizations) manually right?
What's the idea behind having organizations?

  1. Also the user setup seems different than other Auth services.
I have organizations and users on a "Business + Environment" level, and below that I create the apps.
But that means each app in this "Business" shares the same users -> does that make sense?
  1. This is correct, there has been little demand for this, we provide helper and functions to build functionality needed. If you find there is a functionality missing you need we can assist, we are always grateful for PRs also
  2. Organizations are a way to group your users. This functionality is mostly used in a B2B setup where each customer is handled as an organization in Kinde and the users will sit inside this organization. User roles are specific to an organisation, for example a user could have a role of admin in one and not in the other.
  3. Yes, there is a single use pool, however users will only be able to access organiztaions they are part of.
I am happy to jump on a call and discuss your requirements and explain the setup and structure if you're interested?
  1. interesting, I felt like Clerk is great for small teams because the sign in / sign up modal is ready made, and then I just need to add the user profile bubble where the user can sign out and see some other admin stuff
  1. But do I add each user manually to an organization? Or do I route it somehow automatically via the top level domain of the email that's related to their account?
Andre already reached out to me via Email, having a call with him today / tomorrow!
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