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Help: cant login anymore (resolved)

Hi, I've been a happy customer for a while.
Since last week I've had complaints from users - see the screenshot.

At first I couldnt replicate it myself - and now I cant seem to authenticate at all.
Consistently seeing the "Something went wrong when we tried to authenticate you, and we can’t offer a quick way out" error.
How can I debug this?

FYI all the redirect and login URL are correctly setup.
I've tested on multiple browsers - with and without clearing cookies etc.
Also note - I considered that this might be some hidden usage cap or something like that and I upgraded our account. But that hasnt had any effect so far.

I cant seem to login at all...
Help would be greatly appreciated 🙂
Hey how are you doing ?
Could you please give us more details about the incident :
  • what sdk and version are you using
  • do you use a middleware ?
Have you tried adding a default login route in your Kinde application. This provides a kind of ‘safety net’ redirect for users who encounter issues with authenticated sessions in your application. Check here : https://docs.kinde.com/build/applications/default-login-routes/?r=search
Thank you.

I think this might be the issue.

I will dive in first thing tomorrow morning and get back to you.
I believe the issue is with our MS Entra ID configuration.

Basic email and code auth works just fine.
Is there any way to verify an Enterprise configuration is working?

I will investigate further tomorrow.
Hi Fritz. Any chance you are able to set up in a non-production environment to test? As per this doc (but in dev or test environment) https://docs.kinde.com/authenticate/enterprise-connections/azure/
Hey, so I've found the issue. Ended up being more trivial than what I was expecting.

The secret had become invalid.

Was harder to debug than I would have liked, but Im not an Admin on Entra ID. Once I had someone dig into their logs, we figured it out quickly.

Thanks for the assistance, and sorry for raising the alarm for something that wasnt a Kinde issue at all 🙂
So , the secret had expired? Does that mean I have to renew the secret every x time in my dashboard if I use MS Entra ID??
It had been invalidated by some corporate IT security shenanigans.

I suppose it depends on the settings on Entra. The key i have now will expire after 6 months.

Secret rotation is unavoidable. Unless you dont care about compliance and have control of the Entra environment 😉
Note that the logs were key to quickly diagnosing this issue.

Is logging a feature that is being worked on or has been considered?
I did a quick search here on Discord and couldnt find anything about logging 🙂
Hi Fritz. I'm really relieved it worked out. I'll definitely add some feedback about logs for enterprise connections. Sounds like it might saved some headaches in this case.
If ever you want to, you can add feature requests to the #suggestions channel here or leave feedback on the roadmap. https://updates.kinde.com/board
Logging is a must considering this issue you faced.
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