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Email custom sender with Outlook/Office 365

Hello, I am having difficulty with setting up a custom email sender using Office 365/Outlook. I have been successful in getting SMTP setup in other applicationn. However, some reason I cannot get it to work with Kinde. I continue to receive a 504 error whenever I test send an email.

I was successful with other applications using the following SMTP servers


Thank you very much in advance!
Hey @H3R01A,
Sorry that you are experiencing these issues.
Seems odd that you are getting a 504 error when using the smtp-mail.outlook.com or
smtp.office365.com SMTP servers.
Are you able to double check you have entered all the SMTP details correctly and let me know if you are still experiencing issues?
@Oli - Kinde Thank you very much for replying! And I agree. I think it is odd it is not working either. Based on the screenshots attached, my Outlook/Office 365 credentials are passing other SMTP tests, however when I add the same ones to Kinde, I get the 504 error.

Is there anything I need to do with my cache, enabling a custom domain by chance, or some other setting by chance?

Additionally, I was able to test with a gmail account within Kinde and it worked (last screenshot). The only difference was that I used an app password instead traditional credentials. Would that have something to do with it?

Thanks again for the reply and your help!
Hey @H3R01A,
Thanks for double checking the SMTP details you entered into Kinde and passing on more information.
It definitely seems like something funny is happening.

I will reach out to my email sender (SMTP) expert teammate on this issue.
FYI, it's a public holiday here in Sydney on Monday, so I will only be able to speak to my teammate next on Tuesday.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
Hi @H3R01A,

Be aware these SMTP servers have send limits on them that typically make then unsuitable for app sending. For Microsoft customers the recommendation is to use the high volume email (HVE) feature (smtp-hve.office365.com) if sending to internal recipients, or Azure Communication Services (smtp.azurecomm.net) to send to external recipients.

If you are only expecting a low rate of sending, let us know and we can look at updating our configuration to support these.
Hello @leo_kinde,

Thank your looking at my post and responding! I will definitely take into consideration the recommendations as we continue grow in the future. At this time, we are expecting more of a low rate of sending.

To make sure I am understanding, are you saying that at this time if I want to use an outlook email as a Custom Email sender with Kinde I will need to use the Microsoft high volume email feature and/or use Azure Communication Services?

Regarding support for low rate of sending, is there a timeline of when I could expect support to be available?

Thank you very much in advance!
@H3R01A , at the moment the HVE and Azure servers are known to be working. Microsoft servers just tend to require slightly different configuration, it is a minor change on our side I expect it could be updated in the next couple days.
@leo_kinde, thanks for the confirmation! If it is possible, my team and I would greatly appreciate it if the smtp-mail.outlook.com or smtp.office365.com SMTP servers could be added/supported. Is there any way I could track when the update will be available?
@H3R01A, I don't think we have any way for you to track these kind of changes. I'm happy to keep you updated. Changes are currently going through internal review.
@leo_kinde Thank you for the update and that is great to hear it is going through internal review! Also yes, please keep me updated.

In the meantime, I will see if we can try out the Microsoft high volume email feature and/or use Azure Communication Services as a future proof of concept
Hey @H3R01A,
Just letting you know we deployed some changes.

Are you able to try smtp-mail.outlook.com or smtp.office365.com SMTP servers again?
Hello @Oli - Kinde, it is working now for both SMTP servers (see screenshots)

Thank you and @leo_kinde very much for addressing my post and helping me out! I really do appreciate it!
Great to hear!

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you come across any other issues.
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