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Anyone using Next.js and middleware.js

Anyone using Next.js and middleware.js to protect pages? Mine didn't work and docs says there is limitation due to Next.js caching, so I wonder if it works.
@zor just some tips from ourside.

For Next.js versions that support middleware (Next.js 12 and newer), Kinde suggests using their withAuth helper to protect routes. This helper ensures that if a user is not authenticated, they are redirected to the login page, and once authenticated, they are redirected back to the protected page. However, the specific issue with caching and redirects to api/auth/login is a known limitation with the current middleware approach in the context of Next.js's caching behavior.

To work around these limitations, you might consider alternative approaches for protecting your pages, such as using client-side authentication checks or server-side checks in getServerSideProps for pages, which can offer more control over the authentication flow without being affected by Next.js's caching.

Let me know if you have any other questions
Is this limitation only for app routes? Mine is page routing so is there any limitation for me in this situation?
My middleware.js protection is working now and I assume I will never need to protect my pages with other ways like getServerSideProps? I am not a experienced developer, I apologize for the confusion.
Never apologise for not being experienced, we all have to start somewhere.

For page routing, which typically involves protecting client-side navigable pages in a Next.js application, our Docs provides various methods to ensure pages are protected and only accessible to authenticated users. These methods include using middleware in the middleware.js file for global route protection and using getServerSideProps for server-side rendering pages to check authentication status before rendering the page.

The fact that your middleware.js protection is working indicates that you are successfully using middleware to protect your pages. This approach is valid and, as per the documentation, should work for your use case. However, it's important to note that relying solely on middleware for page protection might not cover all scenarios, especially for dynamic or complex authentication flows.

Using getServerSideProps or other server-side or client-side authentication checks (like checking authentication status in a React component) can provide more granular control over the rendering and access to your pages. These methods can be particularly useful for handling specific scenarios or providing fallbacks in case the middleware approach encounters limitations.

Let me know if you have any other questions
Oh, thanks a lot! I understand it. That was very explaining thanks again. I will continue using middleware and I will consider other options whenever I need it but last question, would you share some situations?
Just a context for you, I am building a fintech web-app like Square( https://squareup.com/ ) to practice and that is generally the app type I build mostly, dashboard, POS transactions type of stuff ,B2B stuff etc.

But other than the cases I wonder,
Plain Text
Using getServerSideProps or other server-side or client-side authentication checks (like checking authentication status in a React component) can provide more granular control over the rendering and access to your pages. These methods can be particularly useful for handling specific scenarios or providing fallbacks in case the middleware approach encounters limitations.
) you definitely helped me.
Great to hear! Are you able to explain your question in more detail?
Sure, I asked where middleware would not carry the app and I would need getServerSideProps as extra after the middleware. I asked situations that I would need extra different protection approaches in a dashboard app.
I got it; hopefully, this points you in the right direction.

Here are a few examples:
  1. ​Dynamic Content Based on User Role or Permissions​: If your application displays different content or features based on the user's role or permissions (e.g., admin vs. regular user), using getServerSideProps or client-side checks can help dynamically render the appropriate content before the page is sent to the user. This ensures a personalized and secure user experience.
  1. ​Conditional Access to Sensitive Data​: In fintech applications, certain pages or sections might contain sensitive financial data. You might want to perform additional authentication checks (e.g., two-factor authentication) before granting access to these areas. Server-side checks in getServerSideProps can be used to verify if the user has passed the necessary security measures.
  1. ​Complex Access Control Logic​: For pages that require complex access control logic (e.g., allowing access only during specific times of the day or based on the user's subscription level), implementing these checks on the server side or within a React component can provide the flexibility needed to enforce these rules.
  1. ​Handling API Data Securely​: If your page needs to fetch and display data from secure APIs based on the user's authentication status, performing these operations server-side (using getServerSideProps) can help keep API keys and sensitive data secure, as well as ensure that only authenticated users can access the data.
  1. ​Custom Redirects After Authentication​: You might want to redirect users to different pages based on their role, the page they attempted to access before logging in, or other criteria. Implementing these redirects client-side or within getServerSideProps can offer more control over the user flow after authentication.
  1. ​Performance Optimization​: For highly dynamic pages, using client-side authentication checks can help reduce server-side processing and leverage client-side caching strategies. This can be particularly useful for improving the performance of your application without compromising security.
Remember, while middleware provides a powerful and efficient way to protect routes and manage authentication at a global level, these additional methods can offer more granular control and flexibility for specific use cases within your fintech application. It's often beneficial to use a combination of these strategies to achieve the best balance of security, performance, and user experience.
Appreciate a lot. That was all. Thank you so much again. I would not expect that help for a unpaid customer but I will convert my usage premium for my authentication system in my project 🙂
I am so glad to hear the advice helped you get set up with Kinde. Please reach out if you have any other questions.
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