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Add a Profile Component like Clerk Auth

Please add a profile dropdown component where the picture, image, name, email, and all other details will be rendered, along with the logout button inside it too. I really think this will help a lot of people ship their apps faster and easier. In my opinion, this is the only drawback of Kinde otherwise you guys have made a dope product 😃
so like.... something that is already styled? i think that would actually do the opposite of you think it would do
just make the components so that it can be consistant with your style
In my opinion there should only be the component but it should be styled at a minimum so that it can have an option to be adjusted using Props and CSS
Here are the things that should remain constant and be by default:

When the user clicks on the profile icon, a drop down is shown with the "logout" option and another "profile settings" option. Upon clicking profile settings, a modal will pop up. There we can change the profile pic or maybe even link another account with our current one, ect....
It's not even that hard to implement. I sincerely believe this will take Kinde to another level and officially exceed other Auth Providers if you guys do this. This is because I think that's the only thing you guys are lacking. Other than that, you are Perfect!!!
This is like a huge distraction for them though
like it’s really really, really easy to use their sdk to make your own ui using tools like tailwind/ui libraries
I know I have a shared component library for my own personal projects, but for them to make a global one might be too much work than it’s worth
you have to think about the large array of frameworks they support, making (and maintainin) UI for all of them that may or may not be styled for the developers’s project might just cause a larger headache for everyone involved
Understood. In the end I do hope you can maybe consider this later down the line.
Anyways, thanks for your time and cooperation Sam 🙂
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