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Updated 2 weeks ago

Export users with their permissions under each organization

Hey Guys
anyway to export users with their permissions under each orgs?
i tried the export under the portal but did not help getting me the needed data


Hey there is via the API, these are the two calls you would need to make.



I have made a note on our backlog that you would like to be able to export this via the Admin area. Any other questions?

yep i know that but i need the list not one by one!

Totally understand Alex, I have flagged this with the team to find a solution to get this information in bulk. Sorry, but no eta just yet.

Hey @U04JRDZ3ESK any news?

Hey @U06DJSG2SH5 , sorry, after triple-checking with the team, the only solution would be for us to do a very manual export of your account data to get everything in one hit. Would you like to do this for you?

@Andre - Kinde yes please for the prod env

@Andre - Kinde any news?

Great @Alex I have asked the team to get this rolling for you. And should be able to get you the data this week

@Alex can you confirm the Kinde sub domain of the account you want to export the data for? You are welcome to let us know via if you want https://chat.kinde.com/

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