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Delete identity endpoint

At a glance

A community member asked if there is a delete identity endpoint, as they can create identities but not remove them. Another community member responded that there is a delete identities endpoint in the Kinde Management API, but the Kinde Ruby SDK does not currently have a native method for deleting identities. The Kinde representative acknowledged this limitation and noted that they have added it to their backlog. In the meantime, the community member has implemented a workaround.

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Hey guys, can we get a delete identity endpoint? We can create identities, but we can't remove them.


Hey we do have a delete identities endpoint here: https://docs.kinde.com/kinde-apis/management/#tag/identities/delete/api/v1/identities/%7Bidentity_id%7D

Let me know if this isn’t what you’re looking for

Ah yes, I know. Sorry, I meant it's not supported in the Kinde Ruby SDK if I'm not mistaken

Hey Jono,
You are right that at the moment, the Ruby SDK does not have a native method for deleting identities - I have noted this down.

In the meantime, you can still delete identities via a call to the Kinde Management API.

Let me know if you have any further questions.

I've implemented a work around in this scenario for now, thanks

Good to know.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you come across any other issues or requests.
I have passed on the details about the Ruby SDK not having the ability to delete identities. We have added this to our backlog.

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