Hey guys, can we get a delete identity endpoint? We can create identities, but we can't remove them.
Hey we do have a delete identities endpoint here: https://docs.kinde.com/kinde-apis/management/#tag/identities/delete/api/v1/identities/%7Bidentity_id%7D
Let me know if this isn’t what you’re looking for
Ah yes, I know. Sorry, I meant it's not supported in the Kinde Ruby SDK if I'm not mistaken
Hey Jono,
You are right that at the moment, the Ruby SDK does not have a native method for deleting identities - I have noted this down.
In the meantime, you can still delete identities via a call to the Kinde Management API.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Good to know.
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you come across any other issues or requests.
I have passed on the details about the Ruby SDK not having the ability to delete identities. We have added this to our backlog.