when using the Kinde API how would the api request look to create a user containing another system id, in short how do I populate the provided_id using the Kinde API
To create a user and include another system ID (referred to as `provided_id`), you can use the Kinde Management API (v1). You need to send a POST request to the `/api/v1/user` endpoint with the necessary details in the request body. Here is an example of how the API request would look: *Endpoint* ``` POST https://{businessName}. ``` *Request Headers* ``` Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer {your_bearer_token} ``` *Request Body* ``` { "profile": { "name": "John Doe", "age": 30, "address": "123 Main St" }, "organization_code": "ABC123", "identities": [""], "provided_id": "external-system-id-12345" } ``` *Explanation* • *profile*: Contains basic information about the user. • *organization_code*: The unique code associated with the organization. • *identities*: An array of identities (e.g., email addresses) to be assigned to the user. • *provided_id*: The ID from another system that you want to associate with the user. Make sure to replace `{businessName}` with your actual business name and `{your_bearer_token}` with your actual bearer token. *Response* The API will respond with different status codes depending on the outcome: • *200*: The user was successfully created. • *400*: There was an error creating the user. • *403*: The provided credentials are invalid. • *429*: The request was throttled. For more details, you can refer to the .